Sunday, July 09, 2006


For a civilisation that claims to be thousands of years old, it should not strike as a surprise when the meanings of some of the words change, even drastically sometimes. Simply put, this blog is not exactly about poetry or poets for that matter.

The word "kavi" in vedic sanskrit had a deeply spiritual connotation. The ancient seers were addressed as kavis-- those who composed verses borne out of depths of the universe and realised after many ardent years of meditation.

And I take this opportunity on the day of Vyasapurnima, a day hallowed to the great seer who classified the Vedas, to start a blog on the spiritual and cryptic meaning of the veda mantras, which unfortunately till recently have been interpreted only from the POV of history, linguistics, and sociology.

Whatever I intend to post is NOT my study or my research, but a presentation of excerpts from the books of Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, written mostly by Dr.R.L.Kashyap, Professor Emeritus of Purdue Univesity. By posting something about the veda here, I hope that atleast some of us get a flavour of the actual internal meaning of the sacred texts and also I intend to explore more about it in process.

This blog is dedicated to the intellections of those Kavis to whom we attribute our very cultural existence, to Sri Aurobindo and Sri Kapali Sastry for discovering the esoteric import of the vedas, to Dr.Kashyap who has worked unceasingly for the cause of spreading the wisdom and awareness about the vedas and vedic culture, and most importantly to that heavenly seer, "The Kavi" who is the karta, dharta, and harta of everything.


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